How do I become a sworn translator-interpreter?

How do I become a sworn translator? Few people know it, but the process of becoming a sworn translator-interpreter isn't difficult. In fact, it's easy to do.

In theory, all you have to do is fill in an initial registration form with your local Court of Appeal, send it to the Procureur de la République (public prosecutor) and wait for a decision. You can obtain this application form on the website of the Court of Appeal in your département or region. If the decision is favorable, you will be asked to take an oath, and you will be entered on the list of legal experts for the relevant Court of Appeal. You will then be free to practice the profession of sworn translator-interpreter.

However, while the application process is relatively straightforward, decisions on who to admit are based on exacting criteria. That doesn't mean you can't try your luck.

In this article, we'll explain how to put together a solid file and the steps you need to take if you want to submit your application.

What does a sworn translator-interpreter do?

A sworn translator is a professional translator whose expertise is recognized by the State. He or she is authorized by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs as a ministerial officer.

Its mission is to provide translation services to the administrative, regal and legal institutions of the State. These services can include oral translations (interpreting) or written translations for investigations, police custody, hearings, file translations and any other service requiring oral or written translation from a source language to the target language.

What's more, as a sworn translator-interpreter, he can also offer his services to the public. Only a sworn translator can certify the conformity of a translation with the original. This is why a sworn translator is called in to translate official documents such as driving licenses, marriage or divorce certificates, judgments, notarial deeds, etc.

To certify or swear a translation, the translator affixes his or her stamp, signature and a unique number to both the translation and the original.

Two essential criteria: competence and experience

While it's true that sworn translators don't need a diploma to practise their profession, a translator wishing to apply to a Court of Appeal must be able to provide solid proof of his or her competence in the field of translation.

However, competence is not the only criterion required. In addition to competence, it is also important to demonstrate experience in translation. So, the two essential criteria for applying are: 1) competence and 2) experience.

Although academic qualifications are important and play a crucial role in the credibility of your application, proof of your translation experience is just as important. If you've worked for translation agencies, sworn translators or authorities such as the police or gendarmerie, your application has a good chance of being accepted.

If this is the case, it is important to ask for letters of recommendation from your collaborators, and to present your requisitions or certificates of assignment.

If you haven't yet proven your experience, you can start looking for professionals right away and offer them your services. If your language skills are rare, you can also offer your services to the gendarmerie or the police, even if you're not yet sworn in.

Indeed, judicial authorities often have difficulty finding available translators or interpreters for rare languages. That's why they can call on freelance translators. This will enable you to gain solid experience and, above all, provide consistent evidence for your application.

In short, your application must include solid proof of competence and experience. So don't hesitate to provide any document that can demonstrate your intellectual abilities in this field.

Which language to choose?

You may be fluent in several languages and have all the skills needed to apply as a sworn translator. However, if this is your first application, it's advisable to choose just one language, and preferably the one you know best.

Indeed, a complete application for a specific language is more likely to be accepted than one comprising several applications for different languages.

Firstly, because it's normal not to be able to provide the same evidence of your skills for each language. If the evidence to support your application for one language is weaker than for another, it's likely to affect your application as a whole.

What's more, some languages may be rarer than others. For example, English is not a rare language, and there are a large number of sworn translators for it. If you are proficient in a language such as Korean, where the number of sworn translators is smaller, it's best to support your request for this language, as translators are in the minority and in high demand.

It is therefore not advisable to apply for a common language such as English in addition to this rare language, even if you master it perfectly, especially for an initial application.

So, if you are fluent in several languages, it is advisable to concentrate on one specific language for your first application. Once your application has been accepted, you'll be able to support other languages for future applications, which will then carry more weight since you'll already be a sworn translator.

Duration of registration procedure

Generally speaking, the application procedure is quite lengthy. You must submit your application before March 1 of each year.

The police then carry out a character investigation to check that you have no criminal record. You may be summoned for further information.

Decisions are generally taken around mid-November, and you will be informed at the end of the year, around mid-December.

Taking the oath

If your application is accepted, you will be summoned by your local Court of Appeal to take the oath. You will then be entered on the list of legal experts at the Court of Appeal in your place of residence as a sworn translator.

Initial registration on a Court of Appeal list is made on a probationary basis for a period of three years. At the end of this period, your legal experience and knowledge will be assessed. After three years, you will need to reapply for a further five years.

Is it easy?

Every year, many applications are submitted, but only a few are accepted. It's therefore possible that your first application will be rejected. Don't be discouraged, and don't pin all your hopes on your first attempt, even if it may be accepted.

In general, successful applications are those that have been submitted several times. So keep submitting your application every year until it's finally accepted.

Recourse in the event of refusal

If your application has been unsuccessful and you feel that the reasons given have not been considered objectively, the law in most countries allows you to appeal. In France, for example:

Article 20 of Decree no. 2004-1463 of December 23, 2004 on experts, amended by Decree no. 2017-892 of May 6, 2017, Article 32 states:

"An appeal may be lodged with the Court of Cassation against decisions to register or re-register, or to refuse registration or re-registration, taken by the authority responsible for drawing up the lists, as well as against decisions to withdraw registration taken by the First President of the Court of Appeal or the First President of the Court of Cassation. This appeal must state the reasons on pain of inadmissibility. It must be lodged within one month by declaration to the clerk's office of the Cour de cassation or by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt sent to the clerk's office of the Cour de cassation. The time limit runs, with regard to the Public Prosecutor, from the date of notification of the minutes establishing the list of experts and, with regard to the expert, from the date of notification of the decision to refuse registration or re-registration by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt. The expert is notified of registration or re-registration decisions by any means.

It is advisable to exercise your right of appeal, especially if you consider that your application file contained all the elements required to qualify as a forensic expert.

You can also include other elements in your appeal file to strengthen your argument.